Webinar: „Difficulties in international trainticket booking“

In Zusammenarbeit mit „Back on Track“, europäische Initiative zur Verbesserung des internationalen Schienenverkehrs, https://back-on-track.eu

Montag, 11.05.2020, 20:00 Uhr.

Es war mein erstes Webinar überhaupt, noch dazu in englischer Sprache, durchaus eine Herausforderung. Hier der Einladungstext:

Dear mailing list of Back-on-Track!

No doubt that difficulties with European train information and ticket sale is creating barriers for all train users, both new and un-experienced; and more regular users.
Back-on-Track will hereby invite you to a webinar about this Monday 11.5. at 20.00 CEST on the Zoom videoconference platform.

The webinar will go on like this:

First from the perspective of the traveller sitting with his/her pc and smartphone and searching/buying tickets. With Daniel Elkan (Snowcarbon, UK) as presenter, 15-20 minutes.

Second from the professional ticket dealers perspective. With Peter Koller (Bahnagentur Schoeneberg, Berlin) as presenter, also 15-20 minutes.

After the presentations we will have 40 minutes of Q&A.

We will use registration, so we can make a proper list of participants, and we will record the webinar. Max. limit: 100 participants.

Technical requirements: Best with computer, tablet or smartphone, so you get the pictures. Audio system (mic and speaker) required. Video optional. Old fashioned press-phones may also participate.

Hope to see many of you! Use the link below.

Yours Poul

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